Stop the Late Fees! What is the Difference Between Statement Due Dates and Closing Dates ?

Late fees and missed deadlines can be a nightmare. This guide simplifies statement due and closing dates, empowering you to manage your finances effectively. Learn the secrets to timely payments, grace period benefits, and mastering your credit card for financial peace of mind.

From Survival to Thrival: How African Immigrants Can Achieve Financial Freedom in the Diaspora

Personal finance education is the key to building wealth. When we understand how to manage our money, make smart investments and passive streams of income, and plan for the future, we set ourselves up for financial success.

Taking Care of Aging Parents

As our parents age, they may need our financial support. Many immigrants and women have taken on the role of caregivers for their aging parents. This can be a daunting task, especially if we are also trying to raise our own families and save for our own retirement. However, there are ways immigrants and women can help their parents without putting their own financial health at risk.

Here are a few tips:

  1. Start by talking to your parents about their finances. This can be a difficult conversation, but it is important to understand their financial situation and what they need from you. Find out what their income and expenses are, and what their retirement plans are.

  2. Help them assess their assets and liabilities. This will give you a better idea of their financial strengths and weaknesses. If they have any assets that they can sell, or if they have any debts that they can consolidate, this could free up some money to help them with their expenses.

  3. Look into government programs and benefits. There are many government programs that can help seniors with their financial needs. These programs can provide financial assistance, healthcare coverage, and other services. Senior Lifestyle has a list of organizations that you can reach out to for assistance.

  4. Consider setting up a trust or other financial vehicle. This can help protect your parents' assets and ensure that they are used for their intended purpose.

  5. Get legal documents in place. This includes a power of attorney, a living will, and a health care directive.

  6. Be prepared to provide direct financial assistance. If your parents need help paying their bills or other expenses, you may need to provide them with direct financial assistance. However, it is important to do this in a way that does not jeopardize your own financial health.

  7. Help your parents downsize their home. If your parents have a large home, they may be able to save money by downsizing to a smaller home. This can also help them to stay more independent.

  8. Talk to your parents about long-term care options. As your parents age, they may need long-term care, such as a nursing home or assisted living facility. This can be a costly option, so it's important to plan ahead.

  9. Be prepared to make sacrifices. If you do decide to financially support your aging parents, you may need to make some sacrifices in your own life. This could mean cutting back on your own expenses or delaying your retirement plans. If you plan on living with your parent, this could mean giving up your space and privacy and your family sharing their space as well.

Throughout this process, you should also use these tips to take care of YOU.

  • Get organized. This will help you to track your parents' income and expenses, and to make sure that they are getting the help they need.

  • Be patient and understanding. Aging can be a difficult time, and your parents may need your emotional support as well as your financial support.

  • Don't be afraid to ask for help. If you are struggling to support your parents, don't be afraid to ask for help from your siblings, other family members, or friends.

  • Set boundaries. It is important to set boundaries between your own responsibilities and your parents' needs. This means saying no when you need to, and taking time for yourself to relax and recharge.

  • Delegate tasks. Don't try to do everything yourself. Ask for help from other family members, friends, or a professional caregiver.

  • Take care of your health. Make sure you are getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, and exercising regularly. This will help you stay strong and healthy so you can care for your parents.

  • Take care of your mental health. Take care of your mental health. Caring for aging parents can be stressful. Find ways to manage stress, such as meditation, yoga, or spending time with loved ones. Do things you enjoy.

It is also important to remember that you are not alone in this. There are many resources available to help you support your aging parents. Talk to a financial advisor, a social worker, or a elder law attorney to get more information and advice.

Providing financial support to aging parents can be a challenge, but it is also a rewarding experience. By following these tips, you can help your parents to live a comfortable and secure retirement without putting your own financial health at risk.

4 Tips For Creating a Budget that Prioritizes Your Values

Your budget prioritizes the things you value and gives you permission to spend.

Do you ever feel like you're not in control of your money? Like you're always spending more than you earn? If so, you're not alone. Many people struggle with their finances.

One of the best ways to take control of your money is to create a budget. A budget is a spending plan that helps you track your income and expenses. It can help you see where your money is going and make sure you're not overspending.

But a budget is more than just a way to track your spending. It's also a way to prioritize the things you value. When you create a budget, you decide what's important to you and how much money you're willing to spend on those things.

For example, if you value travel, you might make sure to include a travel fund in your budget. Or, if you value spending time with your family, you might budget for dining out or going to the movies.

A budget doesn't mean you have to give up everything you enjoy. It just means you have to be intentional about your spending. And when you have a budget, you can give yourself permission to spend money on the things you value.

So if you're ready to take control of your money, create a budget today. It's the first step to financial freedom.

Here are some tips for creating a budget that prioritizes the things you value:

  1. Start by listing your income and expenses. This will give you a clear picture of your financial situation.

  2. Decide what's important to you. What are your financial goals? What do you want to spend money on?

  3. Allocate a budget for each category.Be realistic about how much money you can afford to spend.

  4. Review your budget regularly. As your income and expenses change, you may need to adjust your budget.

Creating a budget takes time and effort, but it's worth it. A budget can help you take control of your money and live a more fulfilling life.

Tips to Save Money on Your Next Memorial Day Trip

Memorial Day weekend honors the brave men and women who have served and sacrificed for our country. It's also an opportunity for families and friends to gather and celebrate the unofficial start of the summer season. For many, this means planning a memorable getaway without breaking the bank. In this blog post, we'll explore various ways to save money on travel during Memorial Day weekend, from finding affordable accommodations and transportation to choosing budget-friendly destinations and activities.

Saving Money on Lodgings

  • Book early or last minute: To score the best deals on accommodations, consider booking your stay well in advance or at the last minute. Early bookings can help you secure lower rates, while last-minute deals are often available as hotels try to fill empty rooms.

  • Use discount websites: Websites like, Expedia, and Priceline offer discounted rates on hotel rooms. Compare prices across multiple platforms to ensure you're getting the best deal.

  • Consider alternative accommodations: Explore options like vacation rentals through Airbnb or VRBO instead of staying in a hotel. These can often be more affordable, especially if traveling with a group.

Saving Money on Transportation

Travel during off-peak hours: If you're flying or taking a train, avoid booking during peak travel times, such as Friday evening or Monday morning. Traveling during off-peak hours can result in significant savings on fares.

Use fare comparison websites: Websites like Kayak and Google Flights allow you to compare prices across multiple airlines and travel dates to find the best deals.

Consider alternative transportation: Instead of flying, consider taking a bus or train, which can be more affordable. Companies like Megabus and Amtrak offer budget-friendly fares, especially if you book in advance.

Saving Money on Attractions

Research free or discounted attractions: Many cities offer free or discounted admission to museums, parks, and other attractions during Memorial Day weekend. Check local tourism websites for information on special offers and events.

Use discount cards: Some cities offer tourist discount cards, such as CityPASS or Go City, which provide discounted admission to popular attractions. These cards can help you save money on entrance fees and skip long lines.

Affordable Destination Ideas

National parks: Memorial Day weekend is an excellent time to visit one of America's stunning national parks. Enjoy hiking, camping, and sightseeing at destinations like Yosemite, Zion, or Acadia National Park. Be sure to check the National Park Service website for information on park fees and reservations.

Beach getaways: Enjoy some fun in the sun without breaking the bank by visiting affordable beach destinations like Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, or Galveston, Texas. These locations offer beautiful beaches, family-friendly attractions, and reasonably-priced accommodations

Budget-Friendly Activities for Families

Picnics and barbecues: Save money on dining out by packing a picnic or hosting a barbecue at a local park or beach. This is a great way to enjoy quality time with loved ones while keeping costs low.

Outdoor activities: Take advantage of the warm weather by participating in budget-friendly outdoor activities like hiking, biking, or kayaking. Many parks and recreation areas offer low-cost or free equipment rentals during Memorial Day weekend

To further cut down on travel costs, consider using creating a travel budget and saving ahead for your vacations.

By taking advantage of these deals, you can enjoy an unforgettable Memorial Day weekend getaway without breaking the bank.

With a little research and creativity, it's possible to plan an affordable and memorable Memorial Day weekend getaway. By following these tips and using resources like your budget, you can save money on lodgings, transportation, and attractions while still enjoying quality time with friends and family. Happy travels

5 ways to save money on school supplies

Getting kids ready for school is an emotional time for many parents. The last thing any parent wants to worry about is ensuring their little one has everything they need to excel in school.

Here are five things you can do to ease your back-to-school shopping experience.

  1. Plan your shopping

It would be best to have your shopping list printed and ready to go before you head out the door. Attempting to guess which items are on your supply list and figuring out where to go next are things that can be avoided. Eliminating these tasks can save you time during the day.

2. Use cash back apps

Cash back apps like Rakuten, get back some of the money you have been spending. While using cashback apps, don’t forget to compare prices. Saving money and getting cash back ensures you get an even greater bang for your buck.

3. Use coupons

Many shopping sites are offering coupons online and in-store during back-to-school events.

Other sites like honey compare prices and give you the best coupon deals. Major brands like Amazon, Walmart, Target, and even your local grocery store may also have items at a great bargain.

4. Shop at discount marts

Shop at discount stores like dollar stores, thrift stores, or garage sales, where you can find quality back-to-school items for a great bargain.

Consider the amount of time you have before school starts. Scouting discount stores for a great deal can be time-consuming.

5. Budget before you spend

Budgeting allows you to see what expenses are a priority and what expenses you can wait on.

A new pair of sneakers may not be an immediate need, but a school bag might be a necessity. Prioritizing your shopping list allows you to budget so you do not go into debt to buy things that are not needed.

5 Ways Immigrants Can Build Wealth Fast

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Most immigrants especially first-generation immigrants carry they burden of taking care of not only their nuclear family but the needs of their parents and extended family as well. So building wealth as an Immigrant becomes challenging because the needs of the family often supersedes the income that comes in.

Because of the cultural and financial demands of taking care of the extended family, the importance of building wealth as an Immigrant is even more important. The Urban Institute estimate that it cost about $70,000 to take care of a parent in the US. This kind of financial burden can cause emotional, and physical stress and even ruin relationships.

On the flip side, the absence of financial stress will build stronger family and community bonds.

There are 5 things that are necessary for an immigrant to do as they embark on their wealth building journey. They are :

1- Save at least 15% of annual household income

This number, based on a Fidelity study on somebody who started saving at 25 years. Unfortunately most first-generation immigrants immigrated at a later age. So they are already running behind on time to invest.

The truth is, most immigrants might not be able to contribute 15% of their income into their retirement account. The best thing would be to get on a budget and just start as soon as possible

2- Save money in Tax-sheltered accounts first

The contributions and earnings in tax-sheltered accounts will not be taxed until the money is withdrawn from the account. If your company offers a 401K plan , consider taking at least the match. This is basically FREE money given by your company so turning it down is walking away from free money.

Also make use of your tax favored accounts like your ROTH IRAs and HSAs accounts 

  1. Roth IRA contributions are after tax but you withdraw earning tax-free.

  2. HSA- Offers triple tax benefits.  You put money tax free, it grow tax free and you withdraw the money tax free. Money can be used for qualified medical expenses. 

3- Automate your savings 

Automate your savings from your paycheck directly to your savings account

Automate your savings from your paycheck directly to your savings account

Ensure that you are paying yourself first but putting money in your retirement savings. As we know, life happens. How then can you reduces the chances of you not choosing to save? You Automate.

Have the money withdrawn directly from your paycheck before the rest hits your bank account. Removing the likelihood that you might forget or be influenced to redirect the funds somewhere else makes automation one of the important secrets to saving money.

4-Have a Fully Funded Emergency Fund in Place

You do not want unforeseen circumstances to throw you off your game as you try to build wealth. Have at least 3-6 months of your monthly expenses saved in a separate account for those moments when unforeseen events will happen. You will want to have money for those unexpected emergencies or calls from family members you take care off. In order to be able to save money, you might have to cut back on your expenses for a little while.

5- Get out of Debt

Get out of Debt. Take Back your Income

Get out of Debt. Take Back your Income

Debt ties up your money you should be investing. Debt steals time and money from you and prevents you from making use of compound interest. If you bring more of your income home you can bring home, the more money you have to invest.

So before you start saving for retirement and building wealth, you want to have a retirement plan and avoiding financial pitfalls.

Building wealth and trying to navigate a new financial system can be challenging. The most important thing is to make a plan and just START.

5 Financial Pitfalls to Avoid Taking On More Debt

Financial pitfalls can be very costly and can set you back financially for many years. 

In order to be able to move forward in your financial goals and not derail from them, you needs to identify these financial pitfalls and put measures in place to avoid them. 

So which financial pitfalls should you avoid this year?

1. Not setting boundaries

Many people have a hard time setting  boundaries, financial or otherwise. Setting financial boundaries, or boundaries, in general, is one of the single most important things that you need to do before you start taking control of your money. If you don't have boundaries in place. This will lead to impulsive purchases and poor financial decisions. 

2. Not investing

In investing we make use of compound interest. The longer you delay investing, the less time your money will be able to work for you.

The reason is that compounding is dependent on time. So the longer your money stays in a tax favored account, the more profit you will get from compounding. Thus investing early rather than later, is beneficial for building wealth. Whenever you do start investing, make sure you put measures in place to reduce your financial risks.  

3. Not having insurance

Insurance protects the assets that you acquire as you build wealth, and also prevents you from going into debt. When emergencies or unforeseen events like a car breakdown, illness, job loss or death happen you want to have measures in place to take care of those emergencies or replace that income without going into debt.The easiest way to overcome these roadblocks is by having insurance. For Example, car insurance  will protect you if your car breaks down, health insurance takes care of your bills when you need to make that emergency trip to the hospital,  life insurance will protect your beneficiaries if you pass away. 

4.Using debt as a wealth building tool

A lot of people are comfortable with debt because “everyone has debt”.Society has normalized debt preventing you from appreciating the disadvantages of having debt. Sometimes in building wealth, you have to go against what society deems as normal. 

People usually go into debt because they do not have enough money saved up to cover expected or unplanned expenses or emergencies that may arise. It is estimated that 51 million Americans saw an increase in their credit card debt as a result of the pandemic.
Debt ties up your income thereby delaying investing. It takes up  money. You could otherwise have used to invest and make use of compound interest.  To break away from the masses and build wealth faster, you need a mindset change. Understanding the debt takes up your income,delaying your ability to invest, is the first step to getting rid of your debt. 

5. Buying a house without budgeting

The advantages of buying a house include;

  • Being able to customize the features exactly how you want them

  • It gives you that sentimental value because you have a place that you can call home and your kids can come home to.

  • It can be a good investment 

On the other hand , buying a house like any investment involves taking risks.

Often times when people compare renting and buying they fail to compare the true value of buying a house. They usually compare the monthly mortgage to the rents that are paid every month.  The actual comparison should be,

The mortgage, annual taxes, costs of renovations and repairs of the house against the rents that are paid every month. 

Other costs that should be taken into account include:

  • Cost of closing the sale

  • Cost of selling the house

  • Relocation costs

Consider computing your numbers before you buy a house, then compare it to how much you're paying in rent.

Financial pitfalls are easy to miss but can slow down your financial progress. Being mindful of them helps you avoid them.

What are other financial mistakes that can cause a person to take on more debt?

4 Simple Reasons why you need a Financial Plan

Imagine you got angry at home and you decide to meet your friends at the tennis court to let out some steam. You reach for the car keys, get in the car and start the car. The problem is you do not know how to drive and you do not have directions to where you are going.

 That is what not having a financial plan looks like. 

  1. Setting goals is important because it helps you map out a plan. Two emotions drive most of our financial decisions: GREED and FEAR. GREED because we want more or FEAR because we are afraid of losing or missing out. Without a plan, your financial decisions will be based on 1 of those 2 emotions. Because we want our financial decisions to be well thought out and not based on emotions, we need a financial plan.

  2. A financial plan keeps you focused. Setting goals helps fuel your ambition. When you write down your goals, it keeps you accountable and inspires you to aim for those things you never thought possible. 

  3. Your financial plan propels you forward. There are days when you will not feel like working on your goals, or your focus starts to shift. A plan can act as a visual reminder to keep you pushing forward and serve as motivation on those days.

  4. It converts your dreams into reality. Turns large dreams into smaller more achievable stepping stones. This is because it helps you develop actionable steps you need to take to make your dreams come true.

These are 4 of the main reasons why you should get a financial plan before engaging in any financial undertaking.

4 Easy but Effective Ways to Reduce Your Investment Risks


Each of us has different ideas of how we want to live our lives.

For you it may be wanting to spend time with family, travel the world and experience different cultures. For others, it may be wanting to relax with friends  and do nothing.

To be able to achieve the lifestyle you want, you need money, the knowledge to make informed financial decisions and the time to actually live that life.

Investing gives you and opportunity to be able to make money, so you can take off time to live your life the way you want.

All investments carry risks. One thing that should be at the forefront of your mind when you are planning to invest is how you can minimize the risk from your investments.

All investments carry some amount of risks

To minimize your chances of making harmful financial mistake, you should consider doing these 4 things.

1.   Determine what your goal for investing is.

To meet your investing needs, you will have to figure out;

  • What kind of lifestyle you want to live

  • How much you need to fund that lifestyle

If you are planning on retiring, you will factor in;

  • Where you plan to retire

  • How you will continue to take care of your expenses when you stop working

  • The healthcare costs you might incur

For example, your reason for investing may be to retire in 10 years so you can and travel the world. Knowing where you will travel to, how much it will cost to travel to those places and how much you will need to have if you do not want to keep working, will help you develop a plan.   

2.   Have an Investment plan

With an investment goal in place, you can move forward with crafting an investment plan. An investment plan helps you make informed investment decisions and is not based on how you are feeling at any given moment.

Your investment plan should take into consideration what your investment goals are, how much risk you can tolerate, and your current financial situation.

To determine how much income you have available to invest, you should start by making a budget. Your budget will guide you as to how much disposable income you have available to invest.

Should you find yourself in a situation where you do not have any money left over after taking care of your expenses to invest, it may be time for a lifestyle change. Find ways to reduce your spending and bring in more money.

  • Switch the cable for something cheaper like Roku or SlingTV.

  • Buy Generic instead of brand name products.

  • Use coupons by searching on sites like Honey to get the lowest price on your purchases.

  • Take your lunch to work.

Then redirect the money you save towards your investing goal. Every dollar adds up.

3.   Make use of tax-favored accounts

Tax-favored means that you do not to pay taxes on the profits you make in some cases up to a certain amount. How cool is that?

So taking advantage of this opportunity that the government has given is a great way to jump start your investment.

While there are other types of Individual retirement accounts, the 2 accounts you should consider looking are a 401K and a ROTH IRA.

A 401K is a retirement plan that is offered by your employer, and gives employees an opportunity to contribute a portion of their paycheck in that account. In most cases, the employers match the employees contributions up to a certain percentage 4-6%  sometimes.

So basically it is free money that is being given to you by your employer.  Not taking the match is walking away from free money.

Not taking your 401K match is walking away from free money

Another retirement savings plan to consider is the Roth IRA. The Roth IRA is a Retirement Savings Account that allows your money to grow Tax-free. So you pay taxes on the money before you put the money, but whatever you make on the after that is yours.

There is a limit to how much you can contribute to your Roth IRA…. Usually, $6000 to $7000 depending on your age, so please consult with your tax advisor.

4.   Diversify your investments

Diversification simply means putting money into different types of investments.

Spreading out investments to reduce risk is putting your money across many companies minimizing your risk should one company be affected by the downturn of the market.

If you have a mutual fund and one company suffer a major decline or loss, some others may not go down as much or may even increase. As such your overall losses may not be as bad minimizing your risk.

On the other hand, if you bought just one stock and it when down 50%, you lost 50% of that 1 stock.

 You can safely invest and live the life that you desire. You just have to take the necessary precautions, do your research and make smart financial decisions. Gaining knowledge is the first and most important step when preparing to invest.

Whatever you decide to do, please consult a financial advisor you trust before making any investment decisions.

Learn to Say No to Your Family’s Financial Request

Learning to say NO is one of the most valuable lessons we have learned on our financial journey.

Although it is a skill that was not easy to develop, it is one we are are very grateful for. Being unable to say No was is one of the factors that contributed to our debt load.

Growing up, we were taught the needs of elders, our family and the community took precedence over our personal needs. Saying No is often times perceived as being selfish, negative or ungrateful. And thus, guilt often sets in when we place our needs before those of others.

Needless to say, as Africans, the love we have for our family can often times lead us to make irrational emotional financial decisions.

The first thing we had to do was admit to ourselves that our inability to choose us over others was causing us financial problems. When we read Boundaries by Dr. Cloud and Dr. Townsend, we realized that sometimes when we say Yes to others , we are saying No to ourselves. By so doing, we are unable to make our dreams possible.

It is our responsibility to say no to the things that are keeping us from our goals and it is our right to say Yes to the life we want to live.

Next we had to find ways to minimize the damage it was doing to our financial life. That meant developing the ability to say no.

Here are 5 tips to help you say NO and protect your financial dream

  1. Be honest. Lies can turn to guilt.— “I’d love to help, but financially, this it really not a good time for us”

  2. Be direct but polite. Thank the person for the request or for thinking of about you.— “Thank you for thinking about me to be your bridesmaid, I’m unable to make that commitment right now. If things change, I’d keep you updated”.

  3. Do not prolong the request. It will increase your stress and make the situation more awkward. ——Don’t tell them “ I’d think about it” when you do not plan to. Unless you plan on may be talking it over with someone, for instance your spouse.

  4. Practice saying No.

  5. Consider your self worth and your dreams with every request. Remember every time you say yes, you are saying No to something else. —— “What a great idea! Unfortunately, my family’s budget is maxed out at this time. Maybe next time.”

Learning to say “No” to others will allow you bring your dreams to fruition. The quest for financial independence should not alienate you from your loved ones; both can co-exist.

Finding that balance can be challenging but it is possible. Find what works for YOU.

Our Reset. Our WHY

As immigrants in pursuit of the American dream, we had worked hard, gone to school, gotten good jobs, yet the American dream was nowhere in sight. What we had instead was a pile of debt; student loans, medical bills, car loans, lots of credit cards and a long list of financial mistakes. What was more, the financial commitments, expectations from our community and the needs of our extended family was getting us deeper in debt.