Building a life in a new country is exhilarating! Between navigating cultural differences and climbing the career ladder, finances can quickly become overwhelming.
Here's how to create a budget that works for your specific needs, fuels your future, and lets you send that extra support package home without breaking a sweat.
Late fees and missed deadlines can be a nightmare. This guide simplifies statement due and closing dates, empowering you to manage your finances effectively. Learn the secrets to timely payments, grace period benefits, and mastering your credit card for financial peace of mind.
Personal finance education is the key to building wealth. When we understand how to manage our money, make smart investments and passive streams of income, and plan for the future, we set ourselves up for financial success.
Feeling like you're constantly saying "No" to your dreams because of money? This post shares 5 Mom-Approved Hacks to take control of your finances (finally!) and break free from the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle.
Mother's Day is the perfect opportunity to show your mom how much you care and truly express your love and appreciation for all your mother does for you.
Your budget is meant to guide you and is flexible. It changes as your financial needs change. Schedule time to regularly review your budget and make adjustments as needed.
Budgeting does not have to be hard.
Using budgeting apps to make your budget, track your expenses, and monitor your progress can help you reach your financial goals faster.
A readiness to improve your finances is the first step. To have lasting results, will require consistency and dedication.
Here are 5 easy steps that you can take to improve your finances in 2021.
It is very tempting to spend when you are trying to work on your financial goals. Here are 8 tips you can use to stop spending and stay on track with your financial plan.
As immigrants in pursuit of the American dream, we had worked hard, gone to school, gotten good jobs, yet the American dream was nowhere in sight. What we had instead was a pile of debt; student loans, medical bills, car loans, lots of credit cards and a long list of financial mistakes. What was more, the financial commitments, expectations from our community and the needs of our extended family was getting us deeper in debt.
Debt is something, usually money, that is owed.
People get into debt for several reasons. To pay for school, buy cars, houses,clothing, pay for unexpected events, pay bills, go on vacations, or to pay credit cards. Whatever the reason for getting into debt, in order to effectively manage debt, there has to be a plan.
There are a lot of apps that help you build and maintain your monthly budget. The great thing about apps is they are easily accessible. You can reference and update your budget on the go.
A good credit score can save you money. A credit report is a broad view of an individual’s credit history. Gives information on whether an individual pays bills on time, the type of credit owned, length of accounts, amount of credit used and if new sources of credit are being sought.
When we started our financial journey, our net worth was at a negative. That helped us determine what our starting point was, and we were able to set our financial goals based on the life we wanted to create for our family.
Immigrants have such a great work ethic. Working hard and always showing up. We come early, stay late, work from home and take on extra projects. We miss out on kids activities to catch up on work requirements. We go above and beyond what is required even when we get passed on repeatedly for a promotion.
Money management is mostly linked to your behavior and less of what you know.The things, people or experiences that we value affect the way we manage our money.
Protecting your financial well-being during a crisis positively affects your finances long term.
With the advent of online shopping, all it takes is a click of the mouse or a swipe of a finger and your purchase is on the way. Many shopping sites are making it very easy to save your credit card information and are using adverts to make their products harder to resist.
While you take measures to prevent getting the virus, or read up on the signs or symptoms of the coronavirus, take some time to plan. The plan will serve as a road map for what actions you and your family will take if you or anyone gets sick.
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When building a solid relationship, sharing financial goals is critical!
Couples who plan together not only succeed but thrive! Here's how to create a joint financial plan that will strengthen your bond and pave the way for your shared success!